Whether you need a few extra days this year or you have days to spare, Airshare Exchange is a great way to maximize your program. You decide how many days you want to buy or sell and we help facilitate the exchange.
Here are some basic guidelines:
- This program is exclusive for fractional Challenger 350 and Phenom 300 shareowners or lessee’s with a minimum of a 1/16th share
- Shareowners may sell up to 20% of their annual day allocation in a given year
- There is no restriction on how many days you may purchase from the pool, but the cap of usage is 120% of your annual allocation and the purchaser will be responsible for paying their current hourly rate (one-way or round-trip) multiplied by the total flight hours consumed in the day
- Transactions in the pool are on a “first in, first out” basis
Ready to participate?
Please contact your Owner Services team at 877-946-4900 or

Airshare exchange
Email the Owner Services team or call us at 877.946.4900