Robert Shaw
Columbus Realty Partners

Spend More Time Building Your Business.
Robert Shaw discusses how Airshare helps Columbus Realty Partners be more efficient. With over 15 years of flying with Airshare, Shaw describes how flying private has given him more time to focus on growing his business and less time in airports. With unlimited hours*, our program gives Mr. Shaw the ability to visit more destinations, get more done, and then safely get back to the people who matter most.
*Based on customer’s allocation of days with a maximum 14-hour crew duty day.
Having that crew there waiting for you and you get done early, or you get done late, whatever it is, it just takes a lot of the pressure off and allows you to be more efficient. So, it’s really extending my business career. It allows me to enjoy the fruits of all my labor more than I could otherwise.”
— Robert Shaw, CEO of Columbus Realty Partners
Which Airshare private jet program is right for you?
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