Jet card customers often have specific goals they’re working toward with their private aviation program, and some of those goals are perfectly in line with the features and benefits offered by fractional ownership programs. As jet card customers experience professional growth or focus more on leisure travel with their loved ones, they may consider increasing how often they fly private. Consider these questions if you’re thinking about upgrading to fractional ownership from a jet card.
How often do you find yourself flying private?
If you find that your traveling patterns are changing with time, it may be time to upgrade from a jet card. A significant sign that a jet card customer is ready to switch to fractional ownership is when an individual begins flying more than ten days (50+ hours) per year. Another sign you’re ready to upgrade is if you find yourself needing to charter an aircraft to cover additional travel needs.
What are the benefits of fractional aircraft ownership?
Airshare offers unlimited hours* in a day, so we encourage you to fly as much as you want. Fractional owners own or lease a portion of an airplane without the hassles and expenses associated with whole aircraft ownership. Fractional owners can also enjoy tax benefits by claiming annual depreciation on their capital expenditures. To see how you can maximize your aviation tax benefits, contact your attorney and tax advisors.
- Unlimited flight hours*
- The opportunity to save 25% on your hourly rate when you fly in and out of the same location, and the plane stays with you if you need it.
- Tax benefits – (please contact your attorney and tax advisors)
- No ridesharing
Due to the uptick in demand for private aviation, many companies are limiting jet cards sales, which means fractional ownership is more widely available in the current climate. While the benefits of private aviation are available to both jet card and fractional owners, there are a few differences. Two significant differences are the number of days you can fly and the ownership associated with buying into a fractional program. At Airshare, our fractional shares start at 20 days (also known as a 1/16 share). Unlike our competitors, we don’t limit your flight hours, so we encourage you to fly as much as you want.* As a fractional shareowner, customers own or lease a portion of an airplane without the hassles and expenses typically associated with whole aircraft ownership. Fractional shareowners can also enjoy tax benefits by claiming annual depreciation on their capital expenditure.
In what ways is fractional jet ownership more flexible than jet card membership?
Fractional ownership provides you with more freedom than a jet card. With the fractional program, you have access to more days and our fleet of Challenger 350 and Phenom 300 aircraft. With a jet card, you can use the Phenom 300.
One of the main advantages of the fractional program is the flexibility the Challenger 350 brings. This super-midsize aircraft allows more range, room, and possibilities. The Challenger 350 is the most delivered business jet in the super-mid category seven years in a row and boasts exceptional finishes and technology. With the Challenger 350, you have access to the most spacious, stand-up cabin in its class, can fly non-stop coast-to-coast, and access baggage in-flight.
What advice or tips do you have for jet card customers considering upgrading to fractional jet ownership?
When jet card customers are thinking about upgrading to fractional ownership, we advise them to consider the amount of anticipated flying during a year. If they typically fly more than five round trips (10 days of flying) or plan on increasing their travel, a fractional share may be the right choice.
How can jet card customers make the switch to fractional jet ownership?
If you’re ready to upgrade from a jet card to fractional ownership, contact our sales team, and they will guide you through the process. If you’re new to private aviation and aren’t sure which solution is right for you, please fill out our travel assessment.
*Based on customer’s allocation of days with a maximum 14-hour crew day.